HUBServ > Computing > Programming

ABC Programming Language: A Short Introduction
ABC is an interactive programming language and environment for personal computing, originally intended as a good replacement for BASIC. This is a quick introduction to the language. 

Baitalmal's MFC Developer
Win32 and MFC programmers share tips and download links, plus study notes and development classes at this likeminded computing wiz meeting place. 

Blue Sky
Between their acclaimed RoboHELP and their WinHelp authoring tools, you should be able to narrow down your search for popular and functional Help authoring tools. The site is vast and minor surfing is required. 

Computer Programming Languages
Computer programmers find channels to their specific languages of practice with this index to electronic libraries of resources for formats from ABC to Z. Includes Perl, VHDL, C, Beta, FORTRAN and Haskell. 

Concurrent and Constraint Logic Programming
This is a description of a new declarative concurrent logic programming language called Tempo. 

Development Exchange, The
An online place for programmers to meet and share information. It covers such programming languages as Visual Basic, Java, C++ and Enterprise. 

devSoft creates toolkits that provide native Internet and intranet development components for popular development environments such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi and C++ Builder. 

If you program games, you need this software. DirectX is fast becoming the standard for developers. Microsoft, which developed it, offers copies, tutorials and information here.  

Fox Project: Advanced Languages for Systems Software
A Carnegie Mellon University project emphasizing theoretical programming studies and the development of new compiler technology. 

Genetic Programming Kernel, The: Vienna University of Economics
The Vienna University of Economics' genetic programming Kernel is a C++ class library for genetic programming, now with ActiveX genetic programming control for use with any language that supports ActiveX controls. 

Lingo Users Journal
A technical publication exclusively dedicated to Lingo and XObject/Xtra programming.  

Logic Programming Virtual Library
Computer programming enthusiasts pick up pointers to resources in logic programming fields, including general repositories, Prolog-specific info, system interfaces, meetings and related data for researchers. 

Mindless Programming Page, The
Offering help, tips and basic instruction for Pascal, C++, Assembler and 3D Engine, the Mindless Programming Page also provides links for those looking for more focused resources. 

Object-Oriented Information Sources
A searchable database of object-oriented programming resources provides the backbone of this comprehensive listing of language variations including Java and systems programming. 

Pascal Programming Home Page
Offering Pascal programming notes, step-by-step instructions, tests, CD-ROMs, examples and resource links, this site looks to cover the basics of learning this computer language. 

Programmer's Heaven
This site is a good resource for both beginners and advanced programmers. Scour the large collection of more than 1,000 useful, free files to download. Plus, there's over 1,600 programming-related links. 

Programming by Example Home Page
Providing downloadable movies, simulations and general information as well as submission details, the Programming by Example Home Page also acknowledges the people behind the efforts. 

Programming C, Java and Javascript
Instructions, problems and defintiions for C, Java and Javascript programming languages provide the substance of this site. Downloads and code examples are also given. 

Programming With Sets
Discusses using sets as a data structure in programming problems. Such languages as Z, SETL and Miranda provide sets as primitive objects. 

Project Cool
For amazingly comprehensive web development help, Project Cool is the place to go. They say anyone can build a great website; well, they sure can and they can undoubtedly help you. 

Review of Existing Languages
Supplying indices, links, research results and examples of various programming languages, this review provides a broad starting point for researching computer science programming. 

SIGAPL: Special Interest Group on the APL and J languages
Join this special interest group dedicated to the APL and J programming languages. The power of APL comes from its direct manipulation of n-dimensional arrays of data. Find out more about the members of this group and read the conference proceedings. 

Using the theory of a global software-engineering environment, the evolution of a software product can be supported from birth through maintenance, regardless of the location or number of individuals involved. 

WWW Virtual Library: Computing, Programming Languages
Links to numerous resources on programming languages are provided at this site. Both well-known and little-known language FAQs and subcategories are offered. 

WWW Virtual Library: Software Engineering
An extensive index of online resources related to programming languages and software development.